1. Role of Pediatrician in Adoption of a child (1995/1)10
2. Adoption (2003/2)
3. Role of pediatrician in adoption of a child (2013/1)5
4. Laws of adoption in India 4 (1/2016)
5. Child Adoption. (2020/01)5
Laws governing adoption
- Juvenile justice(Care and Protection) act 2015
- Adoption regulation 2017
Eligible child
- An orphan,abandoned or surrendered child who has been declered legally free for adoption by Child welfare committee(CWC) as per provisions of JJ(C and PC) act 2015 and the corrosponding rules.
- A child of a relative.
- A child or children of spouse from earlier marriage surrendered by biological parent for adoption by a step parent.
Eligible parents
- PROSPECTIVE ADOPTIVE PARENTS(PAP) who are physically,mentally and emotionally stable,financially capable and who do not have any life threatning medical conditions are eligible to adopt.
- Minimum age difference between child and PAPs shall not be <25 years.
- Married couple should have atleast 2 years of stable marital relationship.
- Composite age of married couples should not exceed 110 years.
- Single parrents
- Single female can adopt child of any gender.
- Single male is not eligible to adopt girl child.
- Age of single parent should not exceed 55 years.
- Must have <4 children unless adopting child with special needs,hard to place child,relative or step child.
Role of pediatrician in adoption
- Pre-adoption role
- Discourage illegal adoption
- Inform PAPs about law of land and procedure involved.
- Pre adoption health records of the child should be discussed with parents.
- Comprehensive medical evaluation of the adopted child
- Complete physical examination.
- Diagnostic testing
- Diseases like HIV,HCV,HIV 1 and 2 should be ruled out.
- PPD test
- Nutritional and metabolic screening
- Newborn screening(if young)
- Evaluation of immunization status and administration of age approprite vaccine.
- Supporting adaptive families and child-Help to address challenges in rearing an adopted child.